

Hey. What’s up. How’s it going. How’s your soul. I know it is August 10th and I haven’t made a July playlist, let alone written on this here blog in a long time but you know what thats okay. Sometimes life can be hard and sometimes you have too much to say yet you can’t adequately organize your thoughts. Or maybe thats just me. Sometimes it can feel like you’re not growing and sometimes that can make you sad. Sometimes you can feel like your life isn’t really moving anywhere and sometimes you can feel like you’re living the same day over and over and over again and nothing out of the ordinary is happening and that is okay. Some days you can struggle with loving yourself, more than other days. Some days you don’t want to go to work. Some days you allow yourself to get too stressed out about the future. And sometimes you allow yourself to get too stressed out over very small things. And thats okay.

Sometimes it can be extra hard to feel grateful, or to feel happy or content. It is easy to let tiny victories and things you’re grateful for fall to the wayside when you are too busy feeling those heavier thoughts and emotions that I listed up there. But I think that is part of the issue, at least for me. See there are beautiful things surrounding you and I every single day. They may be harder to notice sometimes but they’re there. That fact alone is comforting to me. I mean come on we have sunsets, and oceans and mountains. Outer space and the stars to look up to every night. As cheesy as all of this is, it is just the simple truth. Sometimes there are days where you feel hopeless and sad. Sometimes you can feel like you are not accomplishing anything. But let me tell you this. That your existence alone, has made an impact on this planet. You have made someones day brighter, someones heart smile. I guarantee it. So those days when you feel upset just know that your existence matters and that you are moving forward, always. It may not be evident now, but great masterpieces take time. And you are art.